Somali Centres for Public Health
SCPH is a not-for-profit organisation that offers a wide range of services with the end goal of combatting endemic and emerging infectious diseases and reducing the burden of non-communicable diseases. SCPH is committed to identifying the epidemiological, environmental, social and genetic risk factors that are important for the health of the individual and that of the population.
Raising awareness and educating the public about diseases of public health importance is one of the central remits of this organisation. SCPH aims to advance the health of the Somali communities and influence the clinical and public health practice and policy.
Vision Statement
Our vision is to be recognised as global Centres that conduct evidence-based research in public health and preventive medicine and provide consultancy services to local, national and international communities.
Mission statement
The Somali Centres for Public Health is planning to undertake high quality research studies that will involve close collaboration between centres’ experts and researchers with skills in public health,
SCPH will work with all institutions and organisations that are involved in the delivery, support and improvement of the health and wellbeing of all communities.
Who we are
SCPH was established in response to the unprecedented public health crisis since the influenza pandemic of 1918. SCPH’s formation came at a time when the world has gone into crazy mode. Confusion, lack of direction and clarity about the Corona Virus Disease 2019
(COVID-19) became prevalent among all communities. Political leaders around the world and major public health institutions started to release contradictory statements. As a result, over a million lives were lost and second wave is already underway which created more fear and despair.
Disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on racial and ethnic minorities have prompted scientific and public health experts from these
communities to mobilise their manpower and stand up to the challenges faced by their communities. SCPH being of the organisations born out of this global crisis is committed to protecting the health and wellbeing of the communities they serve. Promote health living and train future scientific and public health experts.
Board of Trustees
Mohamud Salaad Mohamud
Social Epidemiology & Health Professions Education
Mayeh Omar
International health systems/health management
Regional Directors
Mohamud Salaad Mohamud
Social Epidemiology & Health Professions Education
Director: Somali Centres for Public Health (SCPH)
Mohamed Abdulkarim Nur
Surgery & Tropical Diseases
Regional Director: Horn & East Africa
To be Confirmed
BSc, MSc, MPH, PhD
Public health & Tropical Diseases
Regional Director: Scandinavia
Abdi Osman
Acute Care & Public Health
Regional Director: Australia & New Zealand
Abdul A. Hussein
PGDip, BSc, MSc, PhD
Medical Statistician
Regional Director: Canada